Friday, August 19, 2005

Jakarta: Total Black Out !

Kemaren sekitar jam 10.30, PLN gagal mensuply listrik bagi -konon- Jawa dan Bali. Total black out, man ! Mendadak Jakarta lumpuh .... ! KRL berhenti, traffic light perempatan mati sehingga macet berkilo2, mal2 yang biasanya sejuk jadi 'hangat'.

Listrik di komplek gw sendiri baru 'up' lagi sekitar jam 20.45. Si Kembar keliatan 'enjoy' banget dengan pengalaman pertama mereka dengan what so called 'lampu mati' :-) Kesempatan buat kami sekeluarga bercengkrama di ruang keluarga tanpa gangguan acara TV ! A Quality Time ! What a blessing in disquise ! Kesempatan buat gw memperkenalkan konsep benda mana yang perlu listrik mana yang tidak :-)

Tapi, bayangkan kalau listrik padam lebih dari satu hari.
Bayangkan supply air bersih berhenti, lalu lintas crowded, mal2 dan gedung2 gelap gulita -penjarahan di mana2, no TV and radio, stock belanja di kulkas jadi busuk, AC mati -tidur kepanasan, dll.

Jadi, bisakah kita hidup tanpa listrik ?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I have been informed at 28 July that I passed my CISA exams !

Alhamdulillah ....

DATE: 28 July 2005
TO: Mr. Dicky Indra Prasetia

On behalf of ISACA, we are pleased to inform you that you successfully PASSED
the June 2005 exam. Per your request, this e-mail message serves to notify
you of this result. You have now taken your first step toward achieving
certification and enjoying the many opportunities and benefits that this
Your official score letter and Application for Certification will be mailed
to you the week of 8 August.
We hope that you will continue to pursue certification. The December 2005
CISA exam will be the last exam covering the current CISA job practice areas.
CISA exams offered in 2006 will cover new CISA job practice areas as defined
in a recent job practice analysis.
The next exam administration is 10 December 2005, but will be offered in
select locations and languages. For a detailed list and/or to register for
the December exam, please visit The early-bird
registration deadline is 17 August 2005.
We wish you much success in your profession.

Best regards,
ISACA Certification Department,

Here's another one,

DATE: 29 July 2005
TO: Mr. Dicky Indra Prasetia
We recently notified you that you successfully passed the June 2005 exam. A
scaled score of 75 is required to pass. Below is additional information
regarding your exam score.
Your total scaled score is 81
Please do not attempt to log in to the ISACA web site to further assess your
exam outcome as no additional information relative to your exam score is
available other than what is contained in this email.
As previously indicated, your official score letter and Application for
Certification will be mailed to you the week of 8 August 2005.

Best regards,
ISACA Certification Department
Information Systems Audit and Control Association