summarized by
Dicky I. Prasetia, CISA
Mungkin masih banyak dari kita yang tidak mengetahui bahwa sejak tahun 1988, pada tanggal 30 November setiap tahunnya diperingati sebagai Hari Keamanan Komputer (Computer Security Day) sedunia.
Apa itu Hari Keamanan Komputer ?
Hari Keamanan Komputer merupakan kegiatan yang dikelola oleh Association for Computer Security Day yang disponsori oleh perusahaan-perusahaan ataupun organisasi-organisasi ‘raksasa’ seperti ACM (Association for Computer Machinery), ISACA (Information System Audit and Control Association), Security Awareness Incorporated, dan Symantec Corp. (perusahaan anti virus). Adapun tujuan utamanya adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pengguna komputer terhadap masalah-masalah yang terkait dengan keamanan komputer. Khususnya pada hari ini, pengguna komputer di seluruh dunia akan diingatkan kembali mengenai pentingnya perlindungan terhadap komputer dan -yang terpenting- informasi yang ada di dalamnya.
Pada setiap tahun, ditetapkan secara bergantian tema kampanye secara global. Untuk tahun 2005 tema yang ditetapkan adalah “Responsibility” (Tanggung Jawab) yaitu untuk mengingatkan kembali kepada semua pengguna komputer bahwa pada dasarnya setiap individu dalam organisasi mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam hal perlindungan komputer dan informasi yang ada di dalamnya.
Cara untuk Berpartisipasi
Dalam situs resmi Hari Keamanan Komputer ( terdapat lebih dari 50 contoh aktifitas untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam peringatan hari yang penting ini. Aktifitas tersebut tidak saja ditujukan bagi para profesional ataupun praktisi IT tapi –sesuai dengan tema tahun ini, yaitu “Responsibility”- juga ditujukan dan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah oleh para pengguna komputer. Dimulai dari aktifitas yang paling sederhana seperti membersihkan debu yang melekat di komputer, hingga aktifitas yang paling rumit seperti membuat recovery plan.
So, just pick one of the followings activities ....
1. Display computer security posters. 2. Present computer security briefings. 3. Change your password. 4. Check for computer viruses. 5. Show computer security videos, films or slides. 6. Protect against static electricity. 7. Modify the logon message on your computer system to notify users that Computer Security Day is November 30. 8. Vacuum your computer and the immediate area. 9. Clean the heads on your disk drives or other magnetic media drives.10. Back-up your data. (after being certain that it is virus-free.) 11. Delete unneeded files. 12. Initiate a computer security poster design contest for next year. 13. Demonstrate computer security software. 14. Publicize existing computer security policy. 15. Issue new and improved computer security policy. 16. Declare an amnesty day for computer security violators who wish to reform. 17. Announce COMPUTER SECURITY DAY in your internal newsletter. 18. Examine the audit files on your computers. 19. Verify that the "Welcome" message that is normally used on your computer is appropriate for your organization. 20. Write-protect all diskettes that are not to be written to. 21. Take the write-protect rings out of the tapes in your library. 22. Verify your inventory of computer applications. 23. Verify your inventory of computer utilities and packaged software. 24. Verify your inventory of computer hardware. 25. Install and inspect power surge protection as appropriate. 26. Install fire/smoke detection and suppression equipment in computer areas. 27. Eliminate dust from computer areas, including chalk dust. 28. Provide dust and water covers for personal and larger computers. 29. Post "No Drinking" and "No Smoking" signs in computer areas. 30. Develop a recovery plan for all computer systems that require one. 31. Verify that passwords are not "Posted" and all other keys are secured. 32. Verify that backup power and air conditioning fit your needs. 33. Have a mini training session to provide all computer users with a basic understanding of computer security. 34. Verify that all source code is protected from unauthorized changes.35. Verify that each computer has trouble log and that it is being used. 36. Verify that appropriate off site storage exists and is being used. 37. Remove all unnecessary items such as extra supplies, coat racks, and printouts from the computer room. 38. Select a computer system on which to perform a risk analysis. 39. Begin planning for next year's COMPUTER SECURITY DAY. 40. Change the FORMAT command in DOS to avoid accidentally FORMATing of disks. 41. Protect the computer on your store-and-forward phone message system. 42. Hold a discussion of ethics with computer users. 43. Volunteer to speak about computer security at a local computer club or school. 44. Collect Computer Security Day memorabilia to trade with others. 45. Register and pay for all commercial software that is used on your computer. 46. Register and pay for all shareware that you use regularly. 47. Install all security-related updates to your computer's operating system. 48. Help a computer novice backup their files. 49. Protect all cabin computers from floating droplets of liquid. 50. Plan to attend a computer security meeting or seminar. 51. Consider the privacy aspect of the data on your computer and protect it. 52. Update your anti-virus program.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
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